Let's Get Started
Newborn and Expectant Parents Package
For new babies or expectant parents
60-90 minute virtual consultation to answer your questions about the early months, as well as to discuss sleep expectations, safe sleep guidelines and tips to set up your baby for sleep success
Detailed, easy to read sleep guide for the first four months to set up a healthy sleep foundation
Two follow up emails for the next three months
Two Week Support Package
For children 5 months to 6 years
Two week support via phone calls, texts and emails within business hours
In depth questionnaire and evaluation of your family’s needs
60-90 minute virtual consultation to review questionnaire, sleep goals, sleep environment, sleep timing, sleep training method, and more
Detailed, custom sleep plan with clear instructions for reaching your sleep goals
Interactive digital sleep log to track naps and night sleep
Wrap up call at the end of the two weeks to review progress and offer guidance on the next months or transitions